Update and relaunch of digitaldancerdefined

photo by Blair Johnson 
Where to start? 

Essentially I got on a self-induced guilt trip and decided to start not one but two of my blogs back up again. I do have a game plan, although no set updating schedule as I am very busy this month with life and work.

So my travel/everyday life blog, everydaybeautyinlife , is now up and running again, complete with first introduction post. And so this is this blog's re-introduction post, however, I'm changing things up a little. 

Initially, this blog was created for university assignment purposes, and it had the rather narrow focus of the digital world and ballroom dance. As I am no longer restricted by assignment parameters, I am choosing to refocus on just balllroom dance, and my experiences within that realm in Australia. 

Where there is an online/social media connection to my blogs/rants, I will attempt to go into detail and put my research/critical thinking hat on, however this is your warning that all bets are now off as no one is marking this (only possibly judging it!). 

The posting format, at the time of writing this at least, will be updates from competitions and somewhat personal reflections. When competitions are scarce, discussions on ballroom dance-related topics such as makeup, dresses, suits, etcetera, will occur. 

I will leave you then, fellow human, with a pretty photo for attention, and I hope you will read here again soon. 

Cheers - randombaubles / Ineke


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image by randombaubles, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0