Inspiration time!

Hard to feel inspired right now? I hear you. Probably even harder after seeing that scary image (although I have it on good authority that it's not a terrible promenande position!). But it is a sign of the times to be uninspired at present. Yesterday was depression central, today is calm personified, and tomorrow is 'who knows'. 

But there are certainties in this crazy world. 
1. Online classes for everything.
2. Supportive blog posts. 

So without further delay, here are some of my favourite posts from the last week or so about dancing on your own and the future unknown.

Recommended blog posts:

The girl with the tree tattoo: 'When you're serious about your ballroom dance hobby'

The thespian: 'Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings'

Nikki m: 'How to dance through your unmotivated days'

There are lots more to discover, so get out there and share your favourites below in the comments.

Cheers, and keep on dancing!



image by randombaubles, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0